dorothy parker on harvard prom
edgar allen poe hatred of a minute
edgar allen poe horrible sanity
eric sprankle coal miners sex workers
ernest hemingway happiness in intelligent people
ernest hemingway sit at a typewriter and bleed
fears limits
fight club quote you are not
fight club say and do what you want
follow your brain
fred rogers on love
george carlin god
george carlin on god
george takei butthurt
gloria steinem be the right person
gonna get weird with it
henry ford think you can or cant
hitlers speeches
house doing things changes things
i can do this
if no one comes from the future
imagine no religion
intanjible build 1000 bridges fuck 1 goat
isaac asimov anti-intellectualism my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge
it crowd people
its gonna hurt because it matters
jack london use my time
joan crawford love
john dryden fury of a patient man